Notes On Genesis #4 - GOD Has Emotions

Breaking News! - GOD Almighty has feelings!

Sorry about the sarcasm, but sometimes it does seem like it's breaking news for folks who still think the LORD GOD Almighty is some kind of statue sitting in a church somewhere. GOD is not an inanimate object, folks.

You know how the Holy Bible says we are made in HIS image? Well, surprise, surprise, it's true. Not only outwardly do we resemble our CREATOR, but inwardly, too.

GOD gets angry. (1 Kings 11:7-10)
GOD takes pleasure in people and things. (Psalms 149:4)
GOT gets jealous (all over the Holy Bible).

And GOD gets sad and disappointed, as seen in Gen. 6 (NKJV):
5.Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually./ 6.And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

As cheesy as it may sound, GOD has feelings. And they should not be taken lightly. HE takes pleasure in our doing good deeds aka treating others as we would want to be treated. But HE can't stand sinful ways. And just as HE rewards us when we follow the commandment of love, he also punishes and disciplines us for delighting in sin.

Christians who walk knowing full well that GOD Almighty is constantly aware of everything we do, think and say, carry ourselves with a bit of fear, respect, responsibility and appreciation. Fear because we know GOD will punish/discipline us if we do contrary to HIS laws. Respect because the LORD GOD Almighty is the head of us and must be revered as such. Responsibility because we are Christians and represent Jesus the Christ...we don't want to disappoint him. And we serve GOD in appreciation -- of HIM finding us acceptable to sit at HIS table. For loving us. For picking us up and looking past our filth to clean us up and make us worthy. For getting us through the days and trials and tribulations. For blessing us.

So don't think you show GOD respect by serving him out of stark fear (like a lightning bolt is going to come from the sky and strike you). HE delights in that we delight in serving and knowing HIM. You must serve HIM with humility and love... remember what HE has done for you, and show your appreciation by praising HIM and helping others. It is pleasing to HIM.

Do you want your children to obey you out of stark fear, or because they respect and love you?

No, it's not exactly the same, but you get the drift.