So one particular part of the Holy Bible that has always gotten me is found in Gen. 1:26 where it reads: Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
I've always wondered exactly to whom GOD was talking. HE says 'Let Us...Our image...' Those are some pretty curious words considering that this is just the beginning of creation and we have not yet been told nothing about GOD's history, HIS company, dwelling place, etc.
So to whom is GOD talking when HE says 'Let Us make man in Our image..?'
Although I haven't read absolutely every book in the Holy Bible, from what I have read, I don't believe there are any specific answers to this question.
An educated guess would be that GOD is addressing HIS angels...but that would mean that HIS angels are on level with HIM, which I don't think is the case, since another passage reads in Psalm 8: 4.What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?/ 5.For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor./ 6.You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet...,
If mankind was made 'a little lower than the angels,' then that means to say that there is one (or others) who are still high than the angels...since they, too, were made. Does that make sense?
So back to 'Let Us...Our image.' It seems quite unlikely that GOD Almighty was talking to HIS angel(s) when HE said that (or so it seems).
The only alternative I can think of is that the LORD was talking to/with the Holy Spirit and/or Jesus the Christ...but you have to accept the Holy Trinity to accept that explanation. But then all of these other questions come up if you go down that road.
For starters, does GOD ever talk to/with the Holy Spirit? And shouldn't I say HIS Holy Spirit? I really can't even begin to try and explain that possibility...which is good, because I'm more inclined to believe that GOD Almighty was speaking with Jesus.
Jesus said in Isaiah 48:6 From the time that it was, I was there. And now the Lord GOD and His Spirit have (or have) sent Me.” This particular part of the Holy Bible seems to have a conversation of sorts between the LORD GOD and Jesus the Christ about redeeming the people of Israel (and ultimately the whole world). So GOD Almighty and HIS Son Christ Jesus converse in some passages of the Holy Bible.
So if Jesus has always been (not on this earth, but with the Father), it make sense that GOD Almighty was talking to/with him when HE said 'Let Us make man in Our image...'
But to backtrack and make things even more confusing, in the Holy Bible GOD does walk and work with HIS it could be quite possible that HE indeed was talking with them.
Consider these passages...
Gen. 11 (tower of Babel) 6.And the LORD said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them./ 7.Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
Gen. 18 (GOD appears in person to Abraham with two of HIS angels before going to see if Sodom is worthy of destruction) 32.Then he (Abraham) said, “Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak but once more: Suppose ten should be found there?” And He said, “I will not destroy it for the sake of ten.”/ 33.So the LORD went His way as soon as He had finished speaking with Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.
Notes On Genesis #1 - Who Is GOD Talking To?
Posted by Name: Theist Labels: Creation, Genesis, Holy Trinity, Let Us Our Image
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